Saturday, January 26, 2008


This book by Sandra Boynton is Bino's current favorite. He seems to know it by heart, because when he "reads" it to himself, his little voice preserves the same intonations of the language.

dinosaurs big
dinosaurs tiny
dinosaurs smooth
& dinosaurs spiny

dinosaurs looking right at you
to say goodbye, because we're through!


Pedro and I had been meaning to capture this on video for a while, and when in Lexington, I finally got a chance. Bino loves to go grocery shopping, but very rarely will he deign to sit in the cart. He prefers to push. He's pretty good at it, too.

¡Arriba! ¡Abajo!

Finally getting a moment to get caught up on the blog. It´s about time. We had a wonderful Christmas in Guatemala and then again in Lexington. Bino thrived on all the attention. Here we are with Pedro´s family on Christmas day. He was absolutely ecstatic playing this game he invented with the ten people or so in the room. This video was taken near the end of it all. He was getting a little tired by this point, and in his tiredness also very sweet on his aunt Ana. Before we left Guatemala, he was saying her name. Arriba/Abajo is still a favorite game. Last week he was trying to play it with strangers in a restaurant.
