Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

We had a feeling Bino might enjoy Halloween this year, so we took him out trick-or-treating for a bit this evening. We picked a street that was really decked out for the occasion, with lots of decorations and folks sitting out on their front steps to pass out treats. Bino enjoyed picking out candy, but he enjoyed the lights, pumpkins, and other trick-or-treaters even more. It's too bad Halloween only comes once a year.

Bino also sends a big kiss and best wishes to Roxanne and Jim, with all apologies for missing their wedding and masquerade party.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Mighty Bino

This past weekend, Bino and I traveled back to Kentucky to attend a baby shower for one of my oldest and dearest friends. There were a lot of little ones at the shower, and also plenty of opportunities for conflict over the few toys brought to entertain them. Bino, like two other boys, was fascinated by this red ball, but there was competition to keep it. At one point, Bino was knocked over by a bigger boy, but held his own alright.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Playing in the window

Lately this train seems to be one of Bino's favorite toys. He likes to push it around on the floor, but also on the couch, the bookshelves, and especially in the window sills. He got very excited once he saw me with the camera out, and started running towards me and giggling. I did manage to get a few good shots out of the bunch, though.

We are all very excited to hear about new cousins on the way! ¡Felicitiones a Luze y Beto!