Monday, October 20, 2008


It looks like Bino will have a new playmate come April. We've told him that there's a baby in Mama's belly and he seemed to accept this without question. He now hugs, kisses, and even talks to the "baby" on occasion. Whatever we've gotten ourselves into, it should be fun. From what we saw at the ultrasound, it looks like our new addition shares Bino's enthusiasm for dancing-- s/he was turning somersaults and jiggling all over the place.


Bino has been fascinated with pumpkins since they've started appearing around town this fall, so we took him pumpkin picking this past weekend. We had so much fun we came back the very next day to pick apples (but forgot our camera). Bino picked out this pumpkin himself and carried it around for quite a while. He even insisted on bringing it inside the restaurant where we had lunch. He was pretty proud of himself, as you can see.