Sunday, August 23, 2009

What's to come

If Gago could just figure out what to do with his arms, he'd be crawling already. Already he is able to move himself forward (and sideways) with his knees, feet and shoulders pushing off of the ground. He wiggled about so much at his last check-up that his doctor speculated that he'll be an early walker.

More smiling

Gago has an incredibly sweet tempera- ment these days. His smiles can melt the coldest heart.

A conversation with Papa

Gago adores being talked to these days, and he does a pretty good job of keeping up his part of the conversation, too. I'm pretty sure Pedro was saying something like "Ah goo" when this picture was taken.

A birthday party

Some weeks ago, Bino was invited to the birthday party of his friend, G., the daughter of some colleagues from work. He had a fun time checking things out and swinging at the piñata , though he couldn't keep his blindfold from falling down. Baby Gago just hung out in the sling the entire time.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Three nice boys

Pedro titled this photo "three nice boys" when he saved it to the computer. They are, aren't they?

Time with the grandparents

Bino, Gago and I were very blessed to have Mimi and Tata come stay with us for most of the time that Pedro was gone to France. Thank heavens! We got a lot of stuff moved to the new house during that time, and had a great visit together. Mimi proved to be a true baby-whisperer as usual, and Tata's antics brought lots of smiles.

Now if we could just get Yaya here, too...

Gago smiles

He's been smiling for about a month now. We finally caught one on film.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Introducing.... Gago

During their weekly viewings of soccer matches, Bino, Papa, and now the little one have all acquired soccer nicknames. Bino is "Leo Messi," Papa is "Eto'o," and the little brother now is "Gago," a name that seems somehow fitting for him at this point in his life.

Gago's arrival has prompted Bino to attempt to reclaim his own babyhood. While he hated his crib and pack-n-play at the time, now that Gaguito is using them, Bino finds them much more enticing, especially when he's allowed to share those spaces with his brother.

Bino explains: the cycle of life.

I guess the video pretty much speaks for itself. More pictures of both boys to come as soon as I get a chance to post them.
