Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bino's musical taste

Brassens' music sounds great, but here Bino discovers it doesn't taste quite right.


He aquí a Bino disfrutando de su diaria dosis de Georges Brassens. Antes de que comenzara esta sesión, Bino estaba muy malhumorado. Tras dieciocho canciones, Bino está bastante contento, jugando con el otro Bino.

Bino prueba la cachucha

No contento con tan sólo modelarla, Bino prueba la cachucha.

Bino modela la cachucha

Como el abuelo quiere una nueva cachucha, Bino modela la de su padre, para que el abuelo corrobore que este es el tipo de cachucha que a él le gusta.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

He laughs!

If you rub your nose back and forth along Bino's side, all while hoisting him into the air, he'll laugh. And how!

Parliament of cuteness

As a child (or dwarf?), Pedro used to play "Parliament" with his stuffed animals. Since Bino has received so, so, many of them, I decided to introduce him to the game late yesterday afternoon. Papa joined us later on, and fun was had by all.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Mimi and Dan-dad gave Bino this "ExerSaucer" as an early Christmas present. Bino is still a bit small to enjoy it fully (his little arms can't reach quite far enough), but he has spent some time looking longingly at all the toys. That's a toy phone he's eyeing in the top picture.

A good book

For Bino, the best books are those with easy-to-turn pages. Also, those with crinkly, noisy pages. And those with tasty pages.


Here he is napping with (and stealing covers from) his blue stuffed bear. Mama would like a nap, too. She's too tired to think of anything else to tell you about this photo other than that Pedro has named the bear "Bluebeary."


He was really trying to crawl here, pushing his little feet against the floor. He'll be taking off in no time.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Tigre paciente

It's rare for a child to have the opportunity to ride a tiger in his infancy. It's rare, too, for a cat to tolerate it.

No es con frecuencia que un niño tiene la oportunidad de montar un tigre en su infancia. Es raro también que un gato lo tolere.

A conversation with Baba

Here he is "talking" with Baba (Kim's grandmother) on the phone.

Helo aquí, "hablando" con Baba (la abuela de Kim) por teléfono.

Nuca fuerte

Bino has a very strong neck, and "excellent head control," says his doctor. Here's proof.

Bino tiene una nuca muy fuerte y puede levantar su cabeza muy bien, dice su doctor. He aquí la prueba.

Bino con cascabel/ Bino with rattle

Here he is on a cold morning, playing with his rattle. He is starting to enjoy holding all kinds of things, as you will see in the next photos also.

The rattle once belonged to Bino's mother-- sort of. When she threw hers away, Mimi and Dan-dad replaced it with this one, but they waited until Daniel was born to give it back.

Helo aquí en una mañana fría jugando con su cascabel. Bino esta disfrutando su recién descubierta habilidad de agarrar objetos, como puede ver en las próximas foto también.

Ese cascabel perteneció a la madre de Bino, más o menos. Cuando ella lo perdió, Mimi y Dandad lo reemplazaron con éste, pero esperaron hasta que Bino naciera para devolverlo.

Abrazos de Halloween/ Halloween hugs

Mimi brought this outfit for Bino. Here he is wearing it, on Halloween, no less.

Mimi trajo este disfraz para Bino. Helo aquí luciéndolo.

A fun game

"Los abuelos" have requested more photos, so I will do my best to oblige them. These two photos were taken during the visit of Mimi and Dan-dad (what Bino's cousin, Lauren, has chosen to call the grandparents they share). It was Dan-dad who introduced this fun game to Bino. We've been playing it a lot since he left. Generally Bino's nose-biting is accompanied by cute grunting noises.

Los abuelos han pedido más fotos, así que helas aquí. Son de la visita de Mimi y Dandad (los nombres que la prima Lauren les ha dado). Fue Dandad quien le ensenó a Bino este juego divertido. Lo jugamos mucho en estos días. Generalmente, Bino acompaña estas "mordidas" con sonidos bonitos y gruñidos jurásicos.