Monday, November 03, 2008

Trick or treat

All month Bino has been excited about seeing pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns pop up on doorstops all over town. It only made sense to let him trick-or-treat as a pumpkin himself. He adored his costume, and insisted on wearing the hat out and about days before Halloween. Last year Bino had a blast trick- or- treating-- meeting new people in the neigh-borhood and running about in the dark. This year he was more timid. After approach- ing maybe two or three houses on his own, he insisted on being carried by Papa for the rest of the time. I suppose all the scary costumes and decorations were a bit much this year. We did spend a bit of time on the playground before setting out to trick-or-treat, though, and he had a good enough time there to be all smiles once we got home again. We hope all of Bino's fans had a good Halloween, too.