learning to read
Bino has been fascinated with books from the beginning, so this past weekend I thought I'd see if he had any interest in learning to read. He's interested. He doesn't know his alphabet yet, so he's reading just by sight. We have been shocked at how quickly he's picking up new words. As of this afternoon, he can identify hi, bye, baby, Mama, Papa, car, star, robot, balloon, Elmo, bear, and sometimes toes (which he occasionally mistakes for feet, a word we haven't introduced yet). That's about one tenth of his entire spoken vocabulary!
This afternoon we were playing at words on the computer (I'd type them and he'd read them on the screen) when he said a new word we hadn't learned yet (star). I typed it, he read it, and hours later, he can identify it on a card.
You can hear a Boston accent in the making here (maybe he's picking this up at daycare?), which Pedro and I find sometimes hilarious. Listen to the two-syllable "bear" near the end.
This afternoon we were playing at words on the computer (I'd type them and he'd read them on the screen) when he said a new word we hadn't learned yet (star). I typed it, he read it, and hours later, he can identify it on a card.
You can hear a Boston accent in the making here (maybe he's picking this up at daycare?), which Pedro and I find sometimes hilarious. Listen to the two-syllable "bear" near the end.