Tuesday, April 24, 2007

For Uncle Jeff

Bino didn't have time to make you a card (Mama's got a job interview tomorrow and is finishing getting ready), but he wanted to wish you many congratulations on your new white coat.

Monday, April 23, 2007


I tried taking a still picture of Bino's first little teeth (they're still coming in, but they have poked through the gums), but he just wouldn't cooperate. You can only see them when he laughs, and I couldn't manage the still camera and the tickling at once. I wish you could see the smile on Bino's face as he watches this video of himself.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

He stands!

This morning I set Bino down on the bathroom rug while I was brushing my teeth. Imagine my surprise when I turned around to see this. He was after the plastic cup I use to help bathe him.

Bino, the kind soul that he is, helped to recreate the entire scene on video. The camera work is a little shaky, but for what it's worth, I'm putting it up for you, too.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Para Guayo

Pedro nos dijo que otra de las personas favoritas de Bino cumple años esta semana. Bino le manda una sonrisa y un abrazo.

Friday, April 13, 2007


I love the matching expressions here. Can't wait for Papa to get back home to us.

On the boardwalk.

It's been pretty cold here the past few days, but earlier in the week, Bino and I were able to take advantage of some beautiful spring weather walking on this boardwalk by the sea not too far from the house. That tiny cityscape you see in the background? It's Boston. You'd think we could walk all the way there. Unfortunately for Mama's back, Bino would only stay in the stroller without loudly protesting for about half of our walk. He's still happier riding on me.

A birthday message.

Ayer fue el cumpleaños del tío Tono. Bino dice felicitaciones.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Bino shakes it.

We've written before about Bino's musical taste in things French, classical, and Pete Seeger. As he gets older, Bino is learning to love some more new sounds. Here he is getting down with some subversive Latin American tune. (The video is a little long... but the payoff at the end is worth sitting through the whole 2 minutes, 13 seconds.)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Good Papa

Bino loves his Papa. Loves him.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007


To aid his effort in mastering the crawl, we put Bino down on the floor after dinner the other night for some practice. Poor Bino. It must be frustrating to move backwards when trying to go in precisely the opposite direction.

Peas, please.

We're still having trouble getting this kid to eat, but every now and then he surprises us. He seemed to enjoy peas, of all things, when we tried them last. He definitely didn't get his tolerance of peas from me.

favorite things

This kid doesn't need toys. These days he's happiest playing with everyday objects we have around the house-- likes spoons (see below), books, Mama's hair (ouch!) and electronics. Things with buttons-- like the telephone or the remote control-- are a sure hit.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bino with duck

Bino enjoyed wrestling with his duck the other night, as you can see. He gets a bit excited here, so you might want to keep the volume low on this one.
