Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sleeping Arrangements

Bino still refuses to sleep in his crib by himself, but now that I've taken one of the sides off and moved the crib up right next to the bed, I can sneak him into it every once in a while. What he'd really prefer is to take my spot in the bed and put me in the crib. Sometimes he snuggles close, but increasingly he'll try to push me out of the way for some more space. I know how he feels. I guess the mattress on the big bed is more comfy? He has discerning taste, this kid.


I'm not sure how this happened, but the camera effect is pretty cool. Bino looks like he's about to take off and fly around the room. Once he starts crawling and walking, I'm sure it'll feel like this, especially if little Jack is any indication of what's to come.

The happy acrobat

He loves being upside down, bat-like.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

He sits!

Bino chose Ruby and Jack's trip as the occasion to show off his new ability to sit by himself! Never mind that he tottered over about 30 seconds after this picture was taken. I think he looks quite pleased with himself here.

Try to ignore the room around us.

This past week, Bino got to meet Kim's college friend, Ruby, and her son, Jack, when they came to visit us in Salem. We had a lot of fun, and also learned that with two kids around, it's even harder to keep things neat around the house.

Bino, virtuoso

This is another photo from our time in Lexington back before Christmas-- almost two whole months ago now. Bino has kept me so busy since we returned that I haven't been keeping up with the blog very well. In the past few days I've been able to get him to nap in bed, though, which frees me up a little bit more.

About the photo: Bino enjoyed playing the piano, and also listening to Dan-dad's electric train, which somehow we didn't get a picture of. Who'd have guessed he could read music at such a young age?

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Other reading material

I was going back through photos of our time in Lexington over the Christmas holiday since I hadn't posted any of those, and I found this one of Bino "reading" with my father. It's a nice companion piece to the one of Bino and Yayo reading the news below.

Fun with uncles

Here are a few more photos from Bino's time in Guatemala. He got along famously with his uncles, as you can see here.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bino lee el periódico

Sabemos que hay mucho entusiasmo por nuevas fotos de Bino en Guatemala. Yaya nos dijo que no es problema publicar fotos en las que aparecen "los vegestorios", entonces ahora puedo compartir esta hermosa foto de Bino con Yayo leendo el periódico, que en estas fechas ya es un vegestorio (el periódico).

(Por supuesto, Pedro me ha ayudado a redactar esta nota.)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bino, gourmet

Here you can see Bino expressing what he really thinks about the rice cereal he's been getting lately. The spoon, at least, is interesting.


Pedro and I couldn't agree on which of these is the cutest photo. I like the one where Bino is snickering and Pedro's eyes are laughing. Pedro prefer the bottom one where they both look like muppets. We were all just in some random good mood here.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

¿El canguro tiene mamá?

¡Si! El canguro tiene mamá, como tú y como yo, ¡igual!

This past week, Mama took Bino to a story time at the public library, where he enjoyed listening to stories and songs and (especially) watching the other babies. Afterwards, we browsed the kid's section, and came home with a bunch of books in Spanish. This one is Bino's current favorite.

(If my glasses look lop-sided, it may be because Bino is taken to pulling on them just about whenever he gets a chance.)

Mealtime with Bino

I wish we could figure out how to post short video clips here. Try to imagine that little arm going up and down, BANG, BANG, BANG. Here you see Bino in his new high chair. He didn't each much of the cereal that we tried to feed him, but he really enjoyed pounding his hands on the tray. He also enjoys sucking and chewing on his sippy cup, but rarely will he get a drop of liquid out of it (he doesn't quite have the tilting action down yet).