Thursday, December 14, 2006

Arbolito de navidad

Yo siempre he detestado la navidad, como toda Guatemala sabe muy bien, pero ver a Bino y a su madre disfrutando el arbolito me enternece, lo confieso.

El poeta campesino

¿Qué tiene Bino en común con su bizabuelo Tata?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

They laugh

I'm not sure what they're laughing about, but they sure are cute, aren't they? I don't know if I've ever seen Pedro this happy.

Toe-touching... again

Pedro tells Bino he'd better go on and enjoy this flexibility while he can. Seems every time we lay him down he's reaching for his toes. This makes it quite hard to change his diapers, as you might imagine.

Friday, December 01, 2006


After having his diaper changed last night, Bino spent some time playing with his toes. Pedro claims he was trying to suck on them this morning.

Time with mama

This is another evening spent playing on the bed. Here is Bino spending some time with his mama. Pedro wasn't home yet, but somehow Kim managed to take this picture herself. Moments like this never get old.


Bino also enjoys playing with hair. It's too bad he has so little of his own.


Another photo from the same evening. I love his expression here. Imagine cute "ga ga" noises with it.

He rolls

In the past week, Bino has begun rolling over, from his back to his belly and from his belly to his back. Here he is practicing.

Happy, naked Bino

Bino would go naked all day if we let him. Some of his happiest moments are spent frolicking on our bed in the evening before Mama puts him into his pajamas. Look how chubby his little arms are!


Our first Thanksgiving as a family was pretty low-key. Kim spent a lot of time cooking while Pedro played with Bino. Our menu? Goat cheese and mushroom souflee, green peas, and white bean and tomato soup. Since we forgot to pick up wine the day before, and everything was closed on Thanksgiving day, we had mango lassi instead. Mmmmm.

(Aunt Ruby made Bino's purple-tie-dyed outfit.)